The Space Odditorium follows the lunatic adventures of Major Trauma, the sole survivor of earth after an alien invasion in 1994. Witness Major Trauma's deviant behavior as she navigates the Tubeways, befriends a sumo wrestler in space, receives conflicting parental guidance from literary genius Bill Burroughs and sitcom superstar Zebulon Clodpole, all while trying to save the galaxy from being annihilated by a deranged race of aliens. It's independent comics at its oddball best with an abundant supply of robot battles and enough 90's pop-culture references to throw a history book at.
latest record Record 014: The mind is a delicious thing to taste
The Whizzways are in turmoil and there’s only one man who can save it.....Zebulon Clodpole. But he can’t do it alone. Zebulon returns to the Mall to rescue Major Trauma and Bill Burroughs from the maniacal Raspberry Brats in this issue that turns the weirdness dial way past 11.
He's 330lbs of sumo wrestling dynamite and one more contestant on The Space Odditorium who's about to learn the tragic fate of his homeworld as he goes toe-to-toe in a sumo wrestling match against a deadly ToyotoBot. Meet Roast Beef, another forsaken survivor of the Stowan invasion in our award-winning submission to Ghost City Comics 5x5 Festival 2018.
Public Restroom Comics, created by Chris Calzia and Dave Law in 2018, brings you the best in alternative comics. We intend to bring to comic book readers an alternative to those other so-called "alternative" comics. Comic books that embrace the comic book format with stories that can only be told as a comic book. Here at Public Restroom Comics we make good shit.